Welcome to my websiteAs a writer I am best known for my books (and other material) for business: personal skills, career skills and techniques for managers and executive - from negotiation to time management - linked to my work as a marketing consultant and trainer.
In recent years I have also had other things published: a humorous book (Empty when half full), three books of light-hearted travel writing (First class at last!, Beguiling Burma and Smile because it happened) all set in South East Asia. A new Novel With three novels published (A Rather Curious Crime, Long Overdue and Loose Ends) I now have a new novel being published at the end of 2021 titled 'Once a Thief', see further details below. My previous novels received good reviews - I hope you enjoy this one! |
Once a Thief
A mystery involving a crime and a series of events that change lives. The blurb on the back cover reads: From a life at risk... to lives changed forever Tracy Hines is in a rut, unsure where her future lies but determined to escape a dead-end job in the nether regions of a supermarket. Then a burst of honesty lands her an unusual apprenticeship and sets her on a new and unexpected course. It is one that begins to change her life and holds out a variety of possibilities for the future. Meantime a thief has his eyes on what he believes is a particularly good opportunity, albeit one that exposes him to greater risk than usual. When his carefully laid plans do not play out as he hoped a chain of events is set in train that profoundly affects him and others. Tracy is affected more than most and finds herself surprised, threatened and faced with a puzzle that could change her life still further. Published by Stanhope Books in mid-November (RRP £8-99) - contact me to see how to obtain copies. |
A Rather Curious Crime
This is a crime/mystery where everything proves to be not quite what it seems. The back of the book reads thus: Curious, very curious... Alice Carter always wanted to be a journalist. Still new to her first job as a junior reporter on a local newspaper she reckons her editor seems to be stuck viewing her as the office dogsbody. Nevertheless she tackles everything conscientiously while also looking for a new home in the town in which she now lives. She is learning a lot, however, no one knows more about the ideal costume to wear for a fun run or how many pies it is impressive to eat in a pie eating contest, and she hopes planned visits to the local library and a top executive will prove of more interest than competitive pie eating. While the routine is getting to Alice, elsewhere someone is laying plans for a criminal act in the town which will mix danger and hope in a curious way - and which is not in any way routine. |
To order
Published by Stanhope Books, copies are £8.99. Contact me via this website and I will arrange to supply signed copies post free.
Published by Stanhope Books, copies are £8.99. Contact me via this website and I will arrange to supply signed copies post free.
LONG OVERDUEI never thought, especially when I was writing only business material, that I would be able to branch out to this extent, first with humour and travel writing, and now finding a publisher for my novel. It has been an exciting experience from writing it (and rewriting it!) to liaising with a publisher and commissioning a local artist to create the cover.
Copies are £8.99 (rrp), but currently, in an absurdly generous gesture, just £7.99 and sent post free! Contact me via this website and I will arrange to supply signed copies post free. Praise for "Long Overdue": "...a spiral of adventure and mystery ... (the book) comes with a real ear for dialogue and a pulse-quickening sense of risk. As for Philip, he is a thoroughly well-rounded protagonist for whom you root from the start." The Good Book Guide |

First Class at Last!
A light-hearted account of a journey across South East Asia, the core of which is on the famous Orient Express (Eastern & Oriental train).
A signed copy from the author is £8.99, post free. Just send a cheque, made out to Patrick Forsyth, to:
28 Saltcote Maltings, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4QP
A light-hearted account of a journey across South East Asia, the core of which is on the famous Orient Express (Eastern & Oriental train).
A signed copy from the author is £8.99, post free. Just send a cheque, made out to Patrick Forsyth, to:
28 Saltcote Maltings, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4QP
"Smile because it happened"

Places, people and incidents in the land of smiles. A new book of travel writing in the style of my "Beguiling Burma" and "Smile because it happened" , which is about Thailand. Both these are £9.99 - and the same deal applies, a pound off and free postage.
"Smile because it happened" has been getting some really good reviews recently:
"(The author) knows happy, humid, elephant-loving Thailand very well and his anecdotal book about the country’s irrepressible cheerfulness is informative and, in places, very funny. His style has that effortlessly chatty edge, which looks easy but is actually one of the hardest things for a writer to bring off."
"Smile because it happened" has been getting some really good reviews recently:
"(The author) knows happy, humid, elephant-loving Thailand very well and his anecdotal book about the country’s irrepressible cheerfulness is informative and, in places, very funny. His style has that effortlessly chatty edge, which looks easy but is actually one of the hardest things for a writer to bring off."
Details of my various books appear, clearly labelled, on this site; also details about my background and experience.
Action: If you feel I can assist in any way – or you want to purchase a book – please do make contact with me.
Action: If you feel I can assist in any way – or you want to purchase a book – please do make contact with me.