Activity in the "Writing World"
As you can see elsewhere in this web site I spend a good deal of time writing. I also work, collaboratively, with other writers and have a variety of involvements in the “writing world” from ghost writing to regularly writing about writing in "Writing Magazine". I also talk about it, speaking at writing events for example those as different as small writing group meetings and the Singapore Writers’ Festival on topics including:
· Writing non-fiction · Getting published · Marketing your writing and writing skills (including public speaking) · And specifically, a talk given to bodies ranging from Rotary to Womens’ Instiutes, about my travel writing (e.g. A talk titled A journey into print). If I can help in this regard, just get in touch and we can talk. A BOOK FOR WRITERS My book MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR WRITING is now out and available. Writing can be fun, satisfying and, sometimes, profitable too. Writing may be difficult, and certainly it must be sufficiently good to deserve publication, but making money from your writing is another dimension: it does not just happen. You need to work at it. You need to do the right things in the right way in a systematic manner. But it is possible, both to do the right things in a manageable way and to see some cheques at the end of it. |
The book reviews a plethora of money making action. It shows how to regard writing in a business-like way, how you can appeal to those, editors and others, who are potentially your customers and, above all, how you can permeate your whole approach with action specifically designed to maximise your chance of earning some useful money from your efforts. Whether writing is your hobby, a part time or full time activity, there are ideas here that will help you:
· - Organise how you work
· - Present a powerful profile to your customers
· - Increase your strike rate and earnings.
The tenure of the book is realistic and practical, ideas and approaches are tried and tested and the focus is on action that can make a difference; it provides a positive catalyst to help you make a profitable difference to your writing and your life.
Published by Abel, the book is available from the author for just £9.99 post free (RRP £10.99).
NOTE: If you like books and writing check out my page on the site
· - Organise how you work
· - Present a powerful profile to your customers
· - Increase your strike rate and earnings.
The tenure of the book is realistic and practical, ideas and approaches are tried and tested and the focus is on action that can make a difference; it provides a positive catalyst to help you make a profitable difference to your writing and your life.
Published by Abel, the book is available from the author for just £9.99 post free (RRP £10.99).
NOTE: If you like books and writing check out my page on the site